i also not too sure...
but i think is a "yes" for it then =]

above is the picture which when the day that gave them the most valuable memory to keep of...
haha... sorry tien and teng... i cant find a picture which is only both of them ><
paiseh paiseh har~~
i know guys.. i haven post a blog since a veri long time jor ><""
so now take this chance to write a new de bah =\
before this wedding.. i guess u guys know im working ba =O
my off day is on monday, but i request my boss to change my off to sunday (which is the wedding day)... hopefully it is already approve la hehe
then friday and saturday my ku ma come here for vacation which the are from eepoh...
**im sorry ku ma and others that i cant accompany u guys due to my working**
so sad is that i slept in the living room ><" no choice lor...
saturday quite lots of customer.. tire and sleepy that day...
when at night not enough sleep too.. then i had to wake up early to go to the bridegroom house...
i sit khai xian car which haou is driving... heavy rain that morning ><"
make me more sleepy.. dam...
reached ku popo house jor then have to take the video cam to cam-ing around...
there they hire a "cam-man".. lolz.. i and haou had lots of funny things happen which those "cam-man".. haha
then we follow the bridegroom car head to the bride house...
at there they use about 3 hours to complete all the task...
in between it... i hold the cammy and follow the others "cam-man" rush into the bride room and took the scene in the bride's room...
then, i and haou routine to take the cammy to record the process of serving the tea... dam funny the process hahahaha
others member ...teng,ren,tien,lin all stayed in car... cos of "Hot"..lol
after all done then bridegroom house turn..
until about 1 something then all finish...
we quickly rushed back cause the girls needa to set their hair for night dinner scare not enough time wor...
after finish our hair setting and dressing is about 5 to 6pm lew
then reached the wedding venue...
small but grand.. =] nice..
khai xian sing on stage for the opening...
then she get more excited and sing again ang again~
later khai tien join in with xian...
then next is me and tien sing...
haha... nervous? excited? duno ler... when on stage no feeling ><"
still got ang pao take ler hahahahahahha
then the happy moment ends when the moon rise to the mid of the sky...
two pointed smile is wearing on everyone face...
everyone bless for the couple... so m i...
so if u guys wanna see MY picture for that day event... go facebook see ba..
lazy upload here ><""
paiseh hor~~
hmm... duno why... my blog always write until so long geh...
hehe... i purposely de... those 2 girls (m & l) sure kacao kacao one...
so i write long abit let them took time to see hahahaha....
k lah...
>> Facebook << here's the link.. go see ba =]
take care guys...
today im alone in the stall... sad T^T huhu
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