is been a while i didnt update my blog jor..
hehe... now is my raya holiday la.. 1 week holiday!!
so in the begining of the week..
i and my god-mother side relative together went to a vacation
as my title already mentions, pangkor island xD
the first we use 2~4 hours to get to the jetty in lumut...
that day isnt hot.. cloudy day =] so is good ya
than we abroad to the jetty and took about 1 hours to reach to the pangkor island port
after reach there... we rent a van to fetch us to our "hotel"
wow.. the driver totally nuts!! in a small width of the road.. he can drive totally smooth and fast diaoz... exactly like roller coaster when sitting on it xD
and so.. we reach our hotel.... havana beach resort...
is like houses more than a apartment (cause.. in my mind i though it is awana"
this is outter view of the house... kaka...
so we put down our belonging and jump on to the bed and had some rest...
but.. our stomach is calling s.o.s... so we have no choice to walk out and eat our lunch...
after that... the other relative went out there the beach and play..
but i and haou, ren didnt out.. just stay in the resort and play poker xD
(note : im sorry that i didnt took a picture of sunset... i can tell u that it is awesome and beautiful!! i will try get the photo from their relative asap)
so that is the 1st day la...
than de 2nd day we rent 2 van (due to 18 person) for travelling all around the pangkor island..
dam... the island is way damm small liao la... haiz...
before that... we early morning change our clothes and rush to the beach and play...
u know what we found??? we found a stone there... 珊瑚海~~ i pick it up than i pass it to haou... he let go... than i pick again... he let go again.. he told me that it poke ppl...
than i "har..???"..." i took 2 times ler.... no feeling also..." than we suggest to take it up again and throw out to the beach and do reseach....
so this important mission i pass it to haou xD
he took it up and throw it... and the stone smack into pieces and die!
haiz... he killed a innocent life xD...
i also found fish in there too hehe...
after that we started our journey jor...
the 1st place we go is 灵慈宫
look nice ler... hehe... i take de ma sure la kaka.. paiseh paiseh
it is a temple which is near the beach de..
not bad.. quite nice..
and the view of the beach from this temple also not bad de o =]
see~~~ not bad ler..
sure la.. i took de ma kaka...
the water is so clear haiz...
look at the 2nd picture there the right btm there..
the water dam clear really!!!!
next.. we went to 福临宫
this is the side view of it~~
haiz... wishing pond that took all my coin... we keep throw throw trow throw in order to hit a metal bowl... haiz... suan le ba... i only touch it 2 time nia...
want to knwo what i wish??? hehe... secret~~~
there also got a short 万里长城 =]
looks real ler~~
actually is mini lai de la.. see how?? not bad ler i took kaka...
but the 3rd picture hor... the left hand side girl make my picture not nice la..
look not real jor...
haiz suan le ba =]
so after that.. we went to the 3rd place...
a market... that sell all the tip bits....
duno what fish la sotong la.... all makan de barang la..
but not bad ler..~~
buy alot come back xD siwee siwee~~
than lastly we go to a historical places... forget what name jor...
than... we went back to our resort jor.. after having lunch...
one of the family from our relative going back home that day...
after all the travel.. we when to snorkeling at the opposite small island...
haiz.. unfortunately.. the water there is damm dirty la... all full of dust... rubbish... leaf... no one come and clean de mehx... haiz...
see also no siok...
inside only saw few fishy... 3~5 types of it...
got 1 is so beautiful.. got red blue white colour de~~ xD
and i and ren saw a giant fish ler... about 2 feet long....
but only saw once nia.. after that no more le...
so after playing and take bath... we had our dinner by eating ramli burger~~~
lolz.. fast and easy and simple...
oh yea... the 1st day at there... i drink pink vorka.... hmm~ not bad.. taste like sour orange =]
but 2nd day.. forget to drink haiz...
so i left it to 3rd day only drink...
3rd day we started to pack up jor...
b4 that... we run back to beach and play again before going back...
so we sat the jetty back... and we suggest to go sekinchan to had our "lunch" which is 3pm at our friends restaurant...
worth it la... not expensive lor... not bad not bad hehe... friend ma xD
so... i reach back home jor... at about 7pm...
night time again go out drink tea... ><
night time again go out drink tea... ><
i so 96 la.. haiz not tire de xD
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