SCM Music Player
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
★☆ 喜歡紫色(隱藏的性格)☆★
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry X'mas!!!!
since i just take bath and my hair haven dry yet so i decided to post this bloddy blog xD
ytd.. i mean few hours later is christmas eve... we at AC (asia cafe) haven our ceremony xD muahahha
we ordered damn much food la... oh yea.. forget to intro the member!!
Leader Organizer : Maxx
Assistant Leader Organizer : Steven
Assistant's Assitant Leader Organizer : Elynn
Leader Food Absorber : Venizt
Assistant Food Absorber : Yk
Leader Drunker : David
Assistant Drunker : Andrew (me)
Leader Atmosphere : Christerfer
Assistant Atmosphere : Maggie
Leader Inattentive : tyt
that is our group xD
we one all order all stuff...
starting i though knot finish geh..
but until last all makan habis...
the enviroment around us full of joy and noisy...
but the one thing is that all no guts....
no one even shout "Merry X'mas"
by the way we still waiting for the bloody staff to send over the gifts with contain cracker, glasses, clapping hand, and blinking cup light...
but in the end nth just only one.. dam...
then delay the shouting ( which for our self only)
our plan is like this... after shout then just flee..
but after we all shout and flee... christerfer and maggie still sitting there lolz..
cause chris is turning the cracker to pop out xD
actually our plan is way wrong.. we shld wait chris to pop that bloody thing then we only shout ><""
lol.. lmao... then after that we went to murni to drink christmas tea lolz...
chit chat for a while then back le...
hehe... im so happy about the hair i cut...
but i still not that use to it yet ><"
(mag.. thk for that comment.. appreciate it =])
btw.. sry that we dont have any pic for that moment... cause.. no one are taking picture ><""
k lah.. of to bed.. night~
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
看到中学男同军的奖牌...“最好的新男同军” (ahli baru terbaik)
以前画的感觉好难看哦~ (*^〔^*)
但...就是这些画才有今天的进步啊...开心呢 \^o^/ 欢呼
但是还是要谢谢爸爸帮我找的有些... 谢啦~
噢噢噢噢...又发现了以前啊杨(Christerfer Goh)的照片!!
过后又发现以前做工留下来的punch card...
完了之后...感觉 爽!≡(▔﹏▔)≡ !!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
happy birthday 2 Khai Tien
|............hohoho... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ya.............|
|.............since chrismax is on the way.....................|
|...........hope u enjoy till the very end ba =\...........|
============== *(>.<)* ================
ytd i just bought up a psp 3000..
hmm... i mean second hand la...
but still brand new... still got 7 months warranty haha...
tire ar.. working haiz...
aha.. ytd night just sms with my sis li juan... so long didnt contact her jor.. realli sry ya...
hope she and her bf still remain as good as a moon and earth ba~ haha
that sentence above i write look so noob x.x"
idk what to write ler... sry mag... blog that i update look so sian ><" haha...
ytd night.. erm.. i mean this morning...
i had a vision~~~
i suddenly know the ending of the "hi my sweetheart" taiwan drama..
i mean.. not ending la.. almost end i think...
i saw that show let ppl beat until whole mouth blood then lying on the floor...
lolz.. dunno real or not... if yes then i better go buy number liao if i dream anything about number xD
anyway... happy birthday to goh khai tien =]
god bless... and all the best
stay healthy~
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
unknown title...
happy till die now... xD
but still got abit blur blur... not 100% well btw... ><"
ytd off day so i follow kkk with louis to bbk jusco walk walk.. in the meantime... we also see how's the "back to school" fair xD dam excited!!!(sure excited.. 3 years work back to school liao ler... senior of all =})
reach there jor then saw that the formation very much difference.. seem like veri small jor geh.. o.o
then we go down chit chat with friends who work there..
hmm.. each of us (kkk and i) bought one shirt in jusco for new year wear xD
wakaka... not bad ler the shirt.. wan to see?! WAIT LOR~~
hmm.. then louis say wanna makan wor.. then we decided go to the eng ann "under tree" (translate from hokkien xD)
kkk.. say wan jio maggie wor.. then just along the way there pick her up lor..
makan habis we went to maggie's shop to have a look =]
once go in i feel like... is this shop rent custome clothing de??!!
some of their shirt looks so fantasy.... lolz...
inside there.. 3 of us gone crazy le.. keep took their clothing and test muahaha
most excited is louis la.. keep change change change..
but not bad wor.. what he wear also suit him =]
while i testing... my mind already hook up a coat which is grey in colour geh...
not bad ler.. xD
can wear but the size not suit me.. kinda small btw ><"
hope that mag can get the size bah =]
if dun hav then nvm lor.. fate~~
haiz.. tml again i one ppl at shop jor..
sian le.. hope tml not many ppl come!!!
no ppl come buy psp... ps2... xbox... ps3...
all anti for tml!!!! god bless hehe...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
still so terrible
but got abit okay le bah =x
i guess...
actually dun wan to write geh..
but now so bored no people geh..
then... jus come and simply write something lor
haiz.... tml sure alot of ppl de and tonight also...
sure will veri veri tire...
then agian monday off..
that time more cham..
alone in the house cant go out =[
mayb try ask my father left car for me xD
hoho... something surprize me x]
if u wan know then go ask chyi bah~~
haiz... want sing song also cant..
my voice... if my voice continue like this dont know how ler..
haha.. no one wnat me gua kakakaka
Friday, December 11, 2009
holy shit....
duno what happen...
my sound suddenly change jor...
like no sound like that...
ytd night started got problem jor d..
then i though today might be okay...
then bcome like this..
how i suppose to serve customer like this?!
haiz.. so sad...
ytd i saw kelly at setia alam tesco..
actually i already knew that she will at here promote her wall ice cream for 2 days..
but i didnt met her when she 1st came still ytd...
had some chit chat =]
haiz.. hope that my throat faster okay ba..
want sing song also knot haiz
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
suddenly the stock come then i and thomas pack up lor..
when do half way... a man send the glass come (cause the previous one has been break)
walao eh... help that guy do then is about 1 to 2pm jor...
actually i still haven had my breakfast and lunch de ler.. cham lor...
then 4pm thomas go da pao kfc eat...
then i cont watch the shop and see the guy do the glass...
hmm.. about 5pm i only had my "tea" ><""
hungry for whole day only can makan dao..
i think im going to get gastric like this...
k lah... wana sleep le...
gud night ba =]
Monday, December 7, 2009
haiz... boring monday....
though that can sleep until very late geh....
but... my body dont want let me continue sleep... dam...
early morning 10am wake up le...
ytd night.. i mean this early morning...
i and my gang go sing k at greenbox till 3am...
dont no why... this few times i go sing k.. my throat sure will uncomfortable...
feel likes... hmm.. i duno how to say in here... but the main point is i think my body is heaty le and still stay till so late and sing k... that's where the problem come from bah =x
today whole stay in house do nth...
once wake up then wash up and eat breakfast while watching "hi, my sweetheart" =]
haha... nice taiwan drama oh... got time u guys go see bah xD
then cont see "k.o.3" and "entertainment 100%"...
then wait for "momo love" and "超级星光大道" to download okay...
while waiting play ps2 lor~~ hehe
haiz... boring ar... like this punya rest dam sian... though want go out geh.. but no car... haiz ><"
then tml again wanna go to work again... long hour work T^T huhu
sad... tire man.... now i feel like im not myself anymore... feel like my spirit is off from my body....haha
k lah... wan sleep edy... oh yea... happy birthday to calvin loo my college pal and meldy ong my old friend =]
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
291009 cousin's wedding day~
i also not too sure...
but i think is a "yes" for it then =]

above is the picture which when the day that gave them the most valuable memory to keep of...
haha... sorry tien and teng... i cant find a picture which is only both of them ><
paiseh paiseh har~~
i know guys.. i haven post a blog since a veri long time jor ><""
so now take this chance to write a new de bah =\
before this wedding.. i guess u guys know im working ba =O
my off day is on monday, but i request my boss to change my off to sunday (which is the wedding day)... hopefully it is already approve la hehe
then friday and saturday my ku ma come here for vacation which the are from eepoh...
**im sorry ku ma and others that i cant accompany u guys due to my working**
so sad is that i slept in the living room ><" no choice lor...
saturday quite lots of customer.. tire and sleepy that day...
when at night not enough sleep too.. then i had to wake up early to go to the bridegroom house...
i sit khai xian car which haou is driving... heavy rain that morning ><"
make me more sleepy.. dam...
reached ku popo house jor then have to take the video cam to cam-ing around...
there they hire a "cam-man".. lolz.. i and haou had lots of funny things happen which those "cam-man".. haha
then we follow the bridegroom car head to the bride house...
at there they use about 3 hours to complete all the task...
in between it... i hold the cammy and follow the others "cam-man" rush into the bride room and took the scene in the bride's room...
then, i and haou routine to take the cammy to record the process of serving the tea... dam funny the process hahahaha
others member ...teng,ren,tien,lin all stayed in car... cos of "Hot"
after all done then bridegroom house turn..
until about 1 something then all finish...
we quickly rushed back cause the girls needa to set their hair for night dinner scare not enough time wor...
after finish our hair setting and dressing is about 5 to 6pm lew
then reached the wedding venue...
small but grand.. =] nice..
khai xian sing on stage for the opening...
then she get more excited and sing again ang again~
later khai tien join in with xian...
then next is me and tien sing...
haha... nervous? excited? duno ler... when on stage no feeling ><"
still got ang pao take ler hahahahahahha
then the happy moment ends when the moon rise to the mid of the sky...
two pointed smile is wearing on everyone face...
everyone bless for the couple... so m i...
so if u guys wanna see MY picture for that day event... go facebook see ba..
lazy upload here ><""
paiseh hor~~
hmm... duno why... my blog always write until so long geh...
hehe... i purposely de... those 2 girls (m & l) sure kacao kacao one...
so i write long abit let them took time to see hahahaha....
k lah...
>> Facebook << here's the link.. go see ba =]
take care guys...
today im alone in the stall... sad T^T huhu
Sunday, November 22, 2009
tire day...
i mean yesterday haha
now midnight jor keke
morning less people come buy stuff... then veri sian.. wanna fall a sleep jor z.z"
but after dinner time... hoho.. many ppl come lor..
duno why they all like to come when the stall is about time to close?
walao.... so tire la..
one time so many ppl come de.. haiz
then after the tire work...
i follow my mother to KEC k-box.. to celebrate he colleague 21's birthday...
they play 99... lolz.. man wear bra which inside got "zhu-zhu" the baby drink one..
i think they put milo inside it xD
haa.. wan the birthday girl drink it hahahaha
then when pull the candle of from the cake...
all press her head to the cake...lmao...
all cabut far far...
anyway... duno what to update also.. haiz
just simply update lor~~
duno why... feel like got people block me in msn =(
haiz... anyway good day guys
jiayou ^^
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
working starto~ XD
actually dun wan work geh...
but my dad and mom... haiz... u know de lah... keep nag.. say i keep store myself inside the house sure will gone crazy ><
so they veri veri good...!! help me find job and transport.... zhadao...
okay lor.. then i ma go try try lor..
work at setia alam de tesco.... hmm.. work as a.. erm... salesman or promoter bah ><
work in a sell those games shop la =]
not bad hor... can play game while working xD
haha... dun wan work de ler... but salary... hohoho... $$$
you know lah... im not a guy which make decision by looking at the amount of money de lah... =]
you know~ ppl need part timer... so... i have to "accept" lah.. dui bu dui =p
the boss is one of my relative's husband lai de lah.. he needs part timer argently...
okay lah.. my dear friend~ i working jor.. u all sure will seldom saw me de lah=]
u know lah~ i working veri hard de lah~ hohoohoo
and again lah... RMB to support 梁文音 oh...
she is going to come out with her 2nd new album lah =]
20th november.. =]

爱一直存在 album
got nice song also =]
go hear bah~~ 3 more days haha
Thursday, November 12, 2009
woot!!! tiring man!!!
my father purposely take leave and called me wake up early morning...
kao... dont no what happen oh...
then he say clean roof.. waseh......
this morning so hot... and so tiring ler...knot tahan...
then tml go buy roofpaint and paint the roof...
hopefully tonight rain !! gaga xD
mayb i too long didnt do this heavy work jor...
after clean only... head duno why sumtime pusing pusing geh...
haiz... sad...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
holiday?! bored?!
after come back from genting... hmm... got lah... got the sadness after we have break our path and go back to their own location...
damn miss the days in genting btw hehe
now at here... same lor... most of day in house hear song.. see show... surfing...
sian sian dei lor...
night drink tea....( sure will let my parent scold geh... after a long)
still wandering want to work or not...
keep feel that if no work knot ler...
haiz... cham ><
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
wohohohoho!!!! im back!!!! xD
it been a time i didnt update le right!?
u know why?! to whom who read my previous post shld know that i when for a vacation..
that's right xD !!! genting hehe
woot... dam chill btw... but not always la... x.x"
jus normal normal sometime =x
hmm.. so i will talk about my trip lah of cos ><
it will be long btw... but for u guys if u feel lazy to read then...
u can choose to stop here btw =] peace~~
Day 1 :
-sat titiwangsa bus to genting
-visit galleries of genting
-check in for our room
-dinner at 1st world
-visit ridley believe it or not
woot... omg for this day...really knot tahan lah..
keep sweat wei... dam uncomfortable ><
first thing is that burger fetch 4 of us (me, wen hao, jay, and yiwen) to the ktm station to aboard a train which lead us to kl central while it is about 11am++
you know what?! we need to check in before 3pm... but there is only 3pm bus for the next ride x.x"" wth??? than waht shld we do diaoz... so our last suggestion is that we when to titiwangsa as wilson is already there waiting for us ><
we need to walk to the monorail... but between the kl central and monorail path is under contruction!!!! wtf again!?!??! dam... is totally kill us... we hav no choice to walk a big round to get to the opposide... T^T dam hot wei ><
after reach titiwangsa.. we still have to wait 2pm for the bus to start journey... then here comes the wait AGAAIIN!!!
dam bored ler... but nvm lah... got a "not-bad-looking" girl xD... chun ler~~
sit in the bus after the time reached... than we start our journey lor...
wen hao sit beside wilson, yiwen & lavinia and me & jay ><
in the middle of the road... wen hao took yiwen sleeping picture xD knot tahan them lah... kaka
hmm... in the bus i think nth happen lor...
my parents call me.. >< nothing special also..
after reach genting jor... the 1st thing is check in xD
but.. we have to wait also lah.. for the Q... so long wei... ><
no choice lor bang.. have to put our laggage into the temporary bag keeper ( i think this is what they called bah ><)... we walk to highland there ligering around... wen hao and jay drink "liang cha"... visit the galleries of genting...
haiz.. boring hor... ><
we took our room keycard quickly proceed!!!!
first thing first when reach there... the girls quicly take off their clothes(haha actually is in toilet...dun think too much xD) and take bath =p
then we have to wait lor.... wen hao set the bed according-ly inorder for 6 of us fix in it...
after all settle fin... than we rush to 1st world and walk walk and makan dinner tgt...
we when to ridley believe or not to visit again(for me and wen hao lah ==)
*congrats to jay who solve the un-openable door* in the ridley xD
after that... we lingering around genting cos of dont no what to do !!!!
hmm.. we buy herbal egg beside old town and infront of the entrance of theme park
woot.. that time damm cold ler... the wind blowed roughtly with the cloudy mist who cover our sight that made us cant see anything in few meters
after that we when to highland starbuck to had tea x.x"
woot!! machiato not bad ler kaka.. everytime go starbuck sure drink tat =]
back to room after starbuck and we play killer XDDDDD dam funny lah that time...
at night when we all of us is sleeping... i woke up at 5am...(dun ask me why)
and i saw jay crawling towards me... i though what happen and she took my blanket!!!!
kns... okay la.. she know what to do.. half half for each of us xD
that and after that... she**** took away the blanket and bring it to her place...
bloody helll...
Day 2 :
-breakfast in room
-outdoor theme park
-lunch in 1st world
-continue outdoor
-dinner in room
-saw amber guo!!!!!!!
-indoor acade games
8.45am woke up after the terrible night...x.x""
everyone done all their needs and had our breakfast in our room...
after makan... we when to outdoor and buy our ticket to enter the theme park xD
that day i whole the camera aka photograhper almost all the time and keep snap snap snap... X_X
hmm.. play lots of games bah..
lazy to say in here ><
then we eat kfc for our lunch..
u know what?! i saw shen han, han, run siang, and a girl ler..
diaoz 9...
i didnt notice till there shout my name ==
after that.. we continue out entertainment in outdoor...
then we have suggest that we back to hotel to eat our dinner...
but before that.. we had tea in oldtown haha after walk out the theme park...
soon after dinner.. we when to first world acade game and play...
we take "da tou tie" togehter...
we play a kid machine which we get easily gets ticket XD (i wont tell which machine kaka secret) we get 800+ ticket only.. becaus of the counter is close and we cant reload anymore... so we have to choice to exchange into severals items in order to spread it for 6 of us ><
oh yea... i forget to tell u guys something realli make me most happy!!!!
i saw a girl which realli 99% same alike amber guo (郭采洁)...!!! her body shape... her hair.... her appearance.... the style.... her height!!!! is all the same!!!!
omg... i hope that is her... >< i still can rmb her face ler diaoz XD
so nothing le lor... and we when to starbuck again to drink coffee...
and head back to room to wash up and sleep ><
Day 3 :
-breakfast in steamboat buffer
-cablecar > bus to bungka(forget what name le)
-lrt to kelana jaya
finally come to the end...
we pack our belonging and ready to head of genting..
we when to eat buffer steamboat at 1st world.. which i forget the restaurant name btw><
dam full afer makan haha
wilson head back to titiwangsa after breakfast and we took cablecar aka skyway...
we reach to the middle of hill to buy the bus ticket... haiz.. bad luck... kl central next ride is late so we choose bungka(dont what name already) and head to that place and take lrt back to kelana jaya...
while in the bus.. i sit beside with an uncle who also come to genting for one day trip...
he chat with me.. and we just talk talk talk talk tlak... about his children.. my future... my studies... his wife... about gambling stuff and many more...
hoho... he said that jay is veri eye catching haha..!!!!!!!!!! and he also say that yiwen if she is thin she will looks veri pretty =0
then burger come and pick us after we reach there... thk burger...
and that's it.. 3 days 2 night vacation fin jor...
we have pictures lah of cause... but not now lah...
if u wan.. wen hao will upload in facebook..
and i will upload partial picture in here=]
so if u guys wanna see go to facebook bah =]
miss these days xD
okay lah i head to bed... night guys =]
Sunday, November 1, 2009
十二星座終極分析 準確度95%
Saturday, October 31, 2009
huray~~~!!~~ genting trip =]
sure go and play lor hahahaha
tml, sunday, go there le...
so my friends... u guys wont see me in 3 days =]
so.. be patient.. next week will seeing me le kakakaka
haiz.. so sad... now my throat is weird... abit pain or abit not smooth... ><
duno whay happen lah... feel uneasy... like going to sick...
but not sick lah =]
im okay hehe
i think the reason is ytd i go sing k accidently hurt my throat bah x.x""
hehe i will take care de... but need time 0.0
so.. in genting wan to suffer this throat ler ><
haiz.. nvm la...
jus few days will be right okay
this time i go to genting with jay, wilson, lavinia, wen hao, and yi wen
muahahah... subang mates lah actually ><
if u guys wanna come than come lor...
i wont force u guys dun come de xD
Thursday, October 29, 2009
wahahaha finally free!!!!!!
long time didnt see i update liao ler...
especially mag... sry my friend =] needa u wait so long ar ><
i finally fin my exam jor... hehe... now free free dei lor
wan meet me faster book appointment with me.. abo cant with me out jor xD
hmm... study until sei ar...
so hard.. duno la... mayb one of the subject will fail bah...
i need ppl sek sek ler.. come come...
gay or boy not allow lor...
i siao liao le..
hmm.... last few days i didnt on my pc cos i dont wan it to affect my study mood bah...
but i still got on facebook lar at my friend house... hehe
thx my friend who we work together...
wen hao, jay, yi wen... =]
hm.. thanks to jay who teach me ethics whenh exam. she also give me effort and support when exam. thanks ya..~~~^^~~~ muacks~~~~
**ps : the above is jay write de kaka xD jus ignore her xD
from now on i think i will update my blog le bah...
but not always lah...
hehe..... haiz... my eyes veri tire ar.. duno why.l.. i think how i sleep also not enought le bah ><
gambatte all my friend hehe
tml im going ktv le lor wakakaka... happi ler.. wan join?!
mmd lar hahahahaha
night guys... good luck =]
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
finally ended!!!
finally finish my last assignment jor
now veri veri veri veri de relax!!!
donno wanna do wat ler...
haiz.. sian lor... ><
suddenly i love this shirt ler!!!

if who got any friend sell one of these tell me ya xD
asap as u can xD
and... i wanna take this opportunity to say that...
we are all already grown up...
we have difference way of thinking and difference decision to make...
we have to handle the problem in difference method...
we have chances to do something that are not too late...
last 2 weeks... that problem... is over kay...
anger already anger... not satisfy already dissatisfy...
actually... in every single angle have their own reason...
yes.. u may not accept what he is going to do... because u got ur own reason...
either you and him or other's reasons also will cause a bad result in the end...
so it is fair...
i have read u guys de blogs...
guys... come on... we are already mature...
dont because of that problem causes our relationship become something un-precious...
we have pass and solve out problems together for these several years and now because of this ridiculous problem ended our relation...?!
joke man... please think back again... is it really necessary to do that?!
we may hate each other for a time... but we may stick back together again...
than why dont we just let go and choose the second way which we stick back together as a gang with silly action and joy?!
is it hard?!... i know some of you who reading this will think that..."hey andrew.. what the heck you talking shit about?" haizz...
anyway... is a fate that we become friends or even best friends...
we know each other to the core... when we walk our path next time... we might know some good friends from outside... but do you really know them than knowing us more? and... haiz...
anyway... i know someone think that im bullshiting... or even already stop watching and do something important than reading "this"
no offence guys... jus take care...nights my friend...
(source from 朋友不是玻璃做的)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
stress but also a enjoyable day =]
i started doing my assignment... you know what?! i took whole day only can finish a chapter of introduction!!! wth!?!?!
keep thinking what to write... therefore, used lots of time in it ><
but... till night... i finally done 90% of it xD
while doing it.. thk to jing ya =]
for giving me confident on my assignment
actually... my friend asked to sing k de...
i wanted to refuse but.. i wan to sing T^T
so kaka... i just go only la.. dun care so much =]
luckily today my throat is open... if not i think i wasted the money because i cant sing well.. hehe
kinda enjoy while singing...
i duno my way of singing is nice or not... but as long as it doesnt feel awful can le la kaka xD
okay la... now raining...
make me wanna slepe jor xD
okay la guys.. night =]
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
my money gone away le lah~~~
monday celebrated friends birthday....
tuesday go ftz play games...
wednesday also go play games and go drink tea with my subang friends.... until 4.++am omg ><
today... haiz... go watch movies... the "Surrogates".. something about robot de...
and again... my last assignment also haven started yet hehe..
see how pro m i...
anyway... i will start doing le =]
so good luck to those suffering on it now...
sorry my partner... need u to wait for so long x.x"
gambatte guys
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
is coming
although one of the assignment done finish easily but the second one is tougher...
haiz.. dont no how la..e. feel kinda "stress" btw hehe
this thursday going up to genting for booking =] but why go up and dont wanna use phone to call?!
cos... wanna go there relax la haha... go there blow blow wind xD
anyone wanna come with me ?!??!?! =]
ytd night we (maxx, wendy (maxx's friend), ci hong, haou, yang, maggie, tee, and me) celebrate Steven birthday!!!
wah.. we go yuan shen steamboat there steam steam abit lor... keep booming tee la knot tahan him xD..!!!
he looks so innocent.. knot eat le.. still wanna force to swallow.. (scared of paying the leftover).. when u see his appearance u can rofl.. !! xD
after makan.. sure nid to cut cake la... hehe
enjoy la... not bad not bad the feeling =]
after steamboating~~ night is stil young my friend, we do as what we do usually!!! mamaking!!
haiz.. but we went to a&w there near amkorp mall(dont no how 2 spell)
drink the float beer woot!!!
hehe.. too bad that yang and maggie had to go back early xD
so that's a call for that day.... end...
now wanna sleep le la.. tire >< not enought sleep haiz
take care guys =] hehe
Saturday, October 10, 2009
ytd night with my gang go drink tea.. saw a accident o.O
the car is on top of the side mirror of another car
walao.. dam geng man!!!!
we still cant figure out how the car go on top of it ><
anyway... ytd night seem quite enjoy le la..
and i saw li juan with his bf and her friends and sister, while im drinking tea...
hehe... she's thin jor =] good for her la hehe..
haiz.. going for dinenr jor.. take care guys =]
Thursday, October 8, 2009
what is the time now ?!
study lor... why?! for my computer ethics exam today
haiz... evtime when comes exam sure will burn midnight oil geh... sad sia...
dont no what to do... this subject i totally no mood of reading it or studying on it ><
cham lar... dont no how to take my test like this... read adi than forget jor...
haiz... realli hope that got someone beside me accompany me in this cold night... xD jk~
anyway... my friend asked me to update wor... than i took this chance to write lor...
finnaly for something to write ma xD
recently fine here... no big news btw... actually got la ;) secret ~~
ytd night with my friends from klang come to subang here to have tea with me... glad sia kaka
haiz... hope that my ethics can get a good result in final ba... good luck!!!
going 8am le... my exam hour... total 4 chapter to read but i only cover 2 chapter which only 50 50 % in mind.. ==""
u know what i notice?! my lecturer said something in his last sentence during the last class of his... he said "now guys, tml rmb to bring ur chapter 1,2,3,4 notes come to do revision..." hoho... know what the means?? i can sense that he is going to let us open books xD lmao!!!
and i also get some news from calvin, my friend... which he told me that his senior said this lecturer will give open book when having test!!!
so what i waiting for?!??! jus jump into bed and sleep than !! xD
haiz... cant la... although is a good news.. but is rather risky... if he dont let how?! die lor me... 2o marks gone like this ><
but i realli hope he will give open book test la although i suffer in this lonesome night =)
okay la.. sweet dreams my friends and take care...
wake with a fresh mind =]
Saturday, October 3, 2009
boring saturday...
lunch dad bring us go makan goreng ayam... haiz... what so special?! stil the same...
tonight going to dinner with old friend.. sry my parent... i didnt go dinner wif u guys x.x
now... i started to draw my comic le... although the process is slow la... few days 1 page. hehe..
lazy ma xD
i will try my best to draw it nice nice la kaka
the book name call "魂 the unleashed"
hehe... 试目以待ba =]
Thursday, October 1, 2009
life with assignment.. die with assignment...
people do assignment, i do assignment... i do last minute with drinking midnight oil also feel kinda hard... bloody computer ethics... looks simple but confusing and hard...
i cant do the assignment properly due to i cant understand some meanings of the words...really...
and some i cant figure out waht to write...
most of the question i cant find the answer in the internet... so.. no choice to think of ourselve..
see.. now waht time le?? im still doing... several of my friend also fighting with it... haizz...
wei... dont think im lazy i tell you!! im just having a break kay... i know i break for veri long.. but break is important which im breaking now>< and now im hungry... feel like eating bread...
okay la... gambatte to all my friend la...
i also have to bless myself xD
my friend sleeping now... now im cursing u that dream of me now xD
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
today my boss finally pay my salary jor...
haiz... already so long now only willing to give us...
but nvm la... is the same nia to me...
my salary is RMXXXX
kaka... haiz... dun ask me to belanja lor... i no money de
realli one... u see... i have to pay parent fee, public mutual fee, play fee, eat fee, etc..
so... rmb dun ask me about that lor hehe... i quite kiam siap ler hehe xD
these day... nth happen la... only is that need to pass up assignment lor...
start also haven start too T^T and it is hard ==
last week holiday keep kena parent marah... due to keep going out late at night haiz...
what to do... night is still young ma... and im still in the middle of the process being old...
so... dun waste it xD
okay la.. wanna sleep le la... take care guys ~ night
Friday, September 25, 2009
it is a good day but also a unlucky day...
than ytd 24/9 we suggested to celebrate with him, cause most of all the friend took off day that day =]
our plan is like this... movie>>sze yee house>>neway
our plan is fine and work well..
we see "gamer" this morning... hmm not bad la de show...
starting bit hard 2 understand but if u manage to get into it.. than it is quite good de...
after that, we suggest go to eng ann and eat... but kkk (brithday boy) car wont work that time...
wth?! his key cant even turn to start the engine ( not battery problem nor starter)
so we wait for the guy who repair car come... dam sui him...
the guy come and no idea what happen.. jus start up the car and told him not to let the engine down...
than he fetch us go to yee house and straight go to the factory and repair...
u know what?! the cause of the problem is just that the strew is loose .....
haiz suan le lor... after that they at yee house gamble...
hoho... our birthday boy aka kkk.... lose quite a few amount of money XD
than at night at neway... hoho... we enjoy enjoy singing singing, playing playing, chating chaitng...
haiz.. dun wan say le.. today my singing is not well... it is so dissapointed that i sang till my sound box is broke... T^T huhu
this is not important... important is that... when we total up the amount of the resit... the guy told us that we cant use the 50% coupon due to that we drink 2 glass of water...?? wat the heck?!
at 1st.. the counter didnt told about this condition... moreover, for the birthday guy they provide cake too... but... we didnt receive any cake... x.x"""
haiz....rm 400~ rm500 over... how to afford??? 13 person...
but luckily... they miss-count... they count only 10 person... therefore, we are lucky bit bit la...
better than paying that much amount =]
so... is not a good day la.. quite bad =x
anyway... happy birthday to kkk la =]
take care and stay in green condition eternaly ... ;)
pangkor island trip 20/9 ~ 22/9 2009
is been a while i didnt update my blog jor..
hehe... now is my raya holiday la.. 1 week holiday!!
so in the begining of the week..
i and my god-mother side relative together went to a vacation
as my title already mentions, pangkor island xD
the first we use 2~4 hours to get to the jetty in lumut...
that day isnt hot.. cloudy day =] so is good ya
than we abroad to the jetty and took about 1 hours to reach to the pangkor island port
after reach there... we rent a van to fetch us to our "hotel"
wow.. the driver totally nuts!! in a small width of the road.. he can drive totally smooth and fast diaoz... exactly like roller coaster when sitting on it xD
and so.. we reach our hotel.... havana beach resort...
is like houses more than a apartment (cause.. in my mind i though it is awana"
night time again go out drink tea... ><
Sunday, September 20, 2009
i duno when on earth that my mother start playing facebook!!!
what the heck!... she play poker.. okay la... i have no right to call her stop...
BUT!!! she breaking into my private region aka my room!!!! using my desktop until NOW!! in this late hour!!!
wtf??? my room is the only private area in my house... she came in... i duno what to do ler...
okay la.. s she is my mother... im okay with that.. ><"" but... haiz.... suan le ba...
my heart totally knot tahan la.... she even smoke in my room... wtf!!!!
dam annoying ler... the c2p poker game addicted her... haiz....
tell me... how can i live like thiss????? i duno have my privilege?!??!?!?!?!
hope that they quickly take away the desktop outside la... haiz..
and... a sad case... sry dear maggie ><"
i know ur pain is in ur heart... but just cheer up kay =]
and.. im sry about ur grandma... hope that she rest peacefully...
dont look so down on it... we have to face it somehow...
take care ya
Friday, September 18, 2009
even a boy wanna make a friend with a girl also feel kinda hard cause of the girl has something like "self-protection" stuff... they keep avoid, refusing or simply answer whenever the boy wanna talk with them...
dont no why... and some facts is that... when they break up... for the "becoming back to friends" promise for both of them made after break up... is totally un-useful and no action taken at all...
weird... isnt a boy or a girl have the opportunity to let each others know what they thinking off? is totally cant be understood sometime what girls thinking about... want to have a chat with them for maintaining the relation, than the girl just "en ah oh yes no what why how...." all single words.... what the heck?! do this answering way is a right for a girls??? lmao... this problem happen to most of the boys out there...
but one things is really true... most girls like to take some benefit from a boy =]
is true~~ for an example, when a girl needs helps from a boy (which some stuff only boys know), they sure keep nagging them, keep asking, bla bla bla... u know lah.. in this situation, a boy heart will easily melt and help them out xD ( not all boys).. hoho... the most excited part comes, after done helping, the girl just say "thanks for your help!" and the boy reply her, than no reply back liao (for certain girls they will just talk talk abit than answer the boy after a long period of time)
haiz... okay la... i know some girls dislike stranger like suddenly a sms came by and say "hi, im! can i be ur friend?" or something like that... if the dislike or feel awful than they ban them without sending back a msg... haiz... the boy heart sure crack and didnt get a reply from her.... actually girls, u girls shld reply back to the boy and answer them whether u on or not on... dun let the boys wait wait wait and feel that " wah... this girl... so diaoz keh (action) ler" something like that la... so, girls know what to do hor~
oh yea... u girls must becareful nowadays... banyak metamorphosis (bian tai) appear in this world... a lots of my friend kena these bian tai at msn, mail, facebook by sending msg, friendster and bla bla.... expectially msn... waseh... one of my friend met a guy which just added her as a friend... he request for web caming, and so my friend just click that okay button... u know what happen?? huiyo... the guy show his penis infront of that bloody web cam >< wtf?! (source taken from chyi) wei... chyi.. dun mind hor... i got do citation liao.. so this is still ur copyrighted stuff xD
so girls... better becareful ar =] cheer~
okay la.. that's all i wanna say la... just wanna release my thought in my blog only...
so no offences kay ><"" if i say something sensitive u guys or girls ><"" im really realli sorry about it =.=
Thursday, September 17, 2009
ytd night voon asked me to wake her up at 2am...
so okay lor... that time i was doing assignment too... than i jus wait for it..
u guess what.. when 2am le i nudge her at msn, call her over 10 billion times (XD)
no respone geh... haiz... jus keep doing it until 3am++
after that i go to sleep... mana tau... i have a class i 8am.... than 7.30am wake up go toilet...
wtf?! i go lie back down on the bed again... dam it...
than 8.30am only wake up... haiz... sad..
miss my class jor... computer ethics ler... no more "joke" to hear liao.. xD
anyway.. voon... if u see this.. i didnt blame u .. im the one who promise u =]
jus cheer ka.. dun blame urself.. u might be veri veri tire le ...
good day~
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
问卷游戏~ 为什么我会被点到 T^T 呼呼
(1) 请老实的回答每一个问题。
(2) 不行擅自塗改題目。
(3) 写完请点10位小朋友,不可不点。
(4) 点完后请通知那10位小朋友他被点到了。
1. Maggie
2. Ruey Chyi
3. Kang kai
4. Yee Voon
5. Calvin
6. Yi Wen
7. ah liang
8. jing
9. cynee
10. yannie
1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的:: kumiko
2. 你们认识多久呢:: 一年吧?
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗:: 重要?当然!不~哈哈
4. 你与他(她)的关系是:: 朋友
5. 你觉得他(她)的个性如何:: 怪怪の
6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是:: 看恐怖片,彩指甲,...
問 : 當你在更衣室沖水 门忽然被打开了你会
答 : 好大の风啊!然后锁上 =)
問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后 你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了你会
答 : 要珍惜眼前的事物啊!不吃眼前亏 ^_^
問 : 去海边玩会使用咩交通工具
答 : 船吧...
問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝 泳衣你会買吗
答 : 看看情况咯
問 : 会的。。
答 : 会什么?
問 : 回去时 发现有其他遊客手机沒拿 你会觉得是哪牌子的
答 : 最好是iPhone
問 : 海边对你來说是
答 : 景色丰富 ╮(‘▽′)╭ 哈哈~!
問 : 看到镜子 会不由自主的向前吗
答 : 呵呵..还用说吗?!
問 : 经常用洗面乳吗
答 : 嗯嗯
問 : 说到自恋会想到谁
答 : 吶~那个谁点我名字那个~哈哈
問 : 有人说该減肥了你会
答 : 哈...无言...
問 : 自恋 適合你吗
答 : 嗯...吧?哈哈
Monday, September 14, 2009
today i and my friends go watch this movie in sunway pyramid...
comment : hmm.. as the title of the movie already mention it =)
totally freaky us out but while u freak out, u will laught at the mean time xD
dam special ya hehe...
because of watching this comedy... we are late for our ethic class at 2pm.. hehe
luckily our lecturer doesnt make any complain due to our late for class...
actually... day after ytd night.. i was totally freak out from my weird dream...
is hard to describe btw... so.. my friend.. if u wanna know what it is.. meet me and ask me when im still rmb about the dream ><
one of the part is that i saw a dead baby lying on the floor (is dead but it is crying).. wtf?!
haiz... anyway.. god bless.. off to dinner now.. take care guys =]
Sunday, September 13, 2009
how pity is it T^T
than i tink is nth but when i walk near the door.. u know what i saw.?!
a dead baby cat...
wtf?! totally terrify... i called my friend came down to have a look at it...
haiz... sry guys i didnt took the picture...
cos i think it is unnessary to take those picture... may god bless it...><
anyway... today i totally useless... say wanna do assignment but so... haiz.. didnt touch..
i promise myself tml will do it xD
okay.. off to bed.. night =]
Saturday, September 12, 2009
start my first assignment
due is in next friday aka this coming friday...
pc trouble shooting subject... althought is easy to do but seem hard hehe
got challenge xD
ytd night i wif my friend go drink tea..
u know what.. max de new car kena 1st saman~~~
lmao!!! the polis didnt ask for minum teh..
i think the polis is newbie gua.. bcos.. i saw others polis also like new new 1..
only one big boss standing and looking them working
kaka... today i might go cut hair la... sun bian buy my osis clay =]
haiz my clay use fin le.. diaoz.. my hair look messy without using it T^T huhu
okay la... i will post another blog soon or later xD
Friday, September 11, 2009
someone force me!!!
force me to update blog diaoz...
i didnt update mehx?? haiz suan le ba...
now i wander... this 2 weeks i had waste lots and lots of money by un-notice-ing...
see show la... eat good good one la... haiz... all is out of my budgeting le..
so next week must control edy... if continue like this.. i duno how im going to control my wasting..!
money hard 2 earn ar friend T^T huhu
moreover.. this few days im feeling weird...
i started to scared all those tiny small creature aka insects..
omfg.. what happen to me.. even a small ants is freaking me out...
actually im not going to write this in blog.. but in de end i had just written it out ><
cos... fi someone saw this... sure will think that.. wah.. a boy scared those things a??
embarass dao.. T^T
anyway... this sems assignment had been started... going to work again haiz..
good luck u guys =]
Thursday, September 10, 2009
wen hao birthday 2nd celebration
onli 2nd group of gang (wen hao, yi wen, wilson, jay, and mua^^)celebrated with him only =]
1st we go see a show, we watch"Imagine that"... not bad huh =]
next hmm... mong kok to had a tea..
we order liao de.. that jay hor.. knot tahan her la... keep ask the waiter about the birthday milktea...
it is a large bucket of full of ice and milkytea~
haiz.... dam full la jus drinking that bloody tea.. phew.. ~
hmm.. nth special lor.. night with my roomate go ftz dota~~
haiz.. assignment come jor... nid to pass up b4 next friday...
need to work again ><
okay la.. off to bed.. buai buai =]
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
happi birthday wen hao!!
today is my college friend, kong wen hao birthday =]
kaka... his housemate plan together to give him a surprize
so s the plans go... i reach there at about 10pm ++ and stay at other's room till 12...
therefore, he doesnt know anyway...
others of his friend cant came by due to the late hour ><
so, no choice lor..
i waited there for 1 hour ++
dam bored ler...
when at 12.. i took the cake and giv him a surprize by putting the birthday song infront of his room door... it is to attract him to come out la..
but ler.. he didnt heard it.. !!
we put for 3 times.. kns... still haven came out .. wat the heck...
than we just break in into his room and shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
kaka... he also quite surprize...
than.. the wishing, bite the candle out, snap a pic-cha...
hehe... i think it is quite a good memory for him in his 21 birthday =]
so!! happy birthday dude =]
hope u get ur best partner soon... chill~
Monday, September 7, 2009
greenbox at the late night
wif my fellow friends max, katherine went to greenboxx o.o
phew.. so long didnt went there liao la x.x""
ytd my sanging got abit problem la... not nice to hear T^T huhu
katherine 1st time sing at that late hour.. but is kinda fun la~~
she seem like a small kid when sit on the sofa... but cute la hehe...
max ar... ppl sing k u sing k... kns.. why whole night no mood??
haiz.. suan le ba... u better take care =]
hope next time can go again ba
that time i sure will sang nicely than thiis time!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sem 5!! here i come xD
this is the time table for my sem5 =]
haiz... jus a single eyes blink... i have arrived sem 5...
so fast... so fast i have pass through a year edy ><
many things happen in my college life... my 1st few days didnt sleep experience occur in there, my 1st hardworking of reading and memorize the notes for exam, my 1st dark eye bag came out from there, my 1st staying outside, my 1st getting a good results in those subjects, my 1st cry for a poor subject... and many more =]
hehe... through the days and days... i and my friends relation is getting further and further due to going to reach graduation... i know it sounds silly.. but im a guy who doesnt wish to say farewell... example like the previous working in bookfest... im sad due to the goodbye of my fellow friends.. but i pray that we will meet each other in the future...
mayb it is bcos im the "only son" in the family... so i found out that friends to me is much more important.... i always trying to act my parent s a friend... cos... a friend will tell anything include secret.. that is what friends do right =]
"朋友是靠信和心" ( friends are made to be trust and believe)
so guys.. better appreaciate your friend who help u, accompany u... but rmb.. dun mix with a friend which is in bad habit =]
memories of bata book fest 2009
above is the front, side, back of the bata area that we are going to do our business...
quite big... x.x""
we also have several events.. like assemble the shoes, paint the shoes, tie the shoelace, badminton talk event, ladies shoes QnA, and fashion show... =]
tell u someting, u guys didnt come and see.. is a waste i think... kinda fun actually.. hehe
if u guys read my previous blog.. i mentioned that mrs.bata came to the bookfest right?!
here a picture of her xD!!!
(Source from facebook - Bata Malaysia)
wan to see more.. just simply click the link above =]
it is a honour to see in live =D
i think u guys wanna see my members right?!?
okay la~~ i giv u all see how leng zai and leng lui are my collegue~~
(Source from facebook - Bata Malaysia)
(from left standing - ong, duno the malay guy name x.x", vincent cruz, salleh
from left ducking - haou, ah tat, kid1, kid2, vincent soo, andrew(me), vincent pang)
(Source from facebook - Bata Malaysia)
(from left - maggie, megan, amy, tim, chemmy, joy)
hmm.. quite enjoy la.. i also know some new friends from neightbour stall like munchys and shoyuemi...
quite nice la btw.. hehe... buy their biscuit.. cheap mar~~ kaka...
sometime.. we do some silly things... like playful with each other.. talk funny stuff with vincent soo and cruz.. hehe... u know what.. when i 1st saw vincent soo and vincent cruz.. they all so quiet like wanna kill somebody ><""
but in the end... they r nice and friendly.. and they had a teenager spirit like to joke around and make a fool xD
oh yes!!!
i kena played by both of them too!!! vincent soo, cruz, and pang!! this 3 vincent!!!! dam it...!
sad news... who knew me well sure know i like to drawing right?!
so one day i drew a girl with short hair... then they say i draw joy(look back the picture above) omfg...!!! then vincent soo go added "bata" at her shirt... her name.. and 1437...
kns... duno which bloody hell let her saw that.. it make me so paiseh ler..
diaoz.. i know that they wer playing.. i 4giv them.. becos of this i dont dare to talk to her.. x.x""
wakao.. sad la but duno how to express it... jus like cloudy cloud without rain fall from it... (i also no idea why i wrote this sentence ><)
it is quite a memorable scene or image that still flooting on my head... hmm...
hope can see them again next time... =]
so at last.. let u guys see some scenary of klcc ba ( i snap de =]... comment accepted)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
done & fin!!!!
10 days has been passed away since 22/08 kaka..
yea.. i miss so much in this book fair..
some new friends that i just recognize...
miss the enviroment...
miss the noises...
haiz.. i had no choice to choose to stay...
anyway... im quite happy with that cos i finally can rest for that bloody tire working days...
realli cant tahan... tire tire and tire ><><
hmm... we have 2 malays adult... this more knot tahan... malas la they all...
lazy dummy both of them...
we had our early morning supper in KL... one of the malay keep eating and said that "i hungry ma... lapar tao?!"...
u know... when packing the stock... he seem like do nth... but eat lots == geng!!
anyway... thk my fellow working partners (Ong, Ah tat, haou, vincent, salleh) for the accompany in this 10 days.. thk the promoter girls =] (Megan, Joy, Chemmy, Maggie) for boosting the sales rose XD.... the custom guys !!! they done a quite great job btw =] (sry dont no their name =x)..
hohoho... and most of all... thk both Vincent ( vincent cruz and vincent soo ) our boss xD...
and thk for those neightbour kaka... thk munchy's, shoyuemi =]
hmm... i will upload some of the pictures in here...
but not now la of cos.. so late le x.x""
okay la... take care guys~
Friday, August 28, 2009
hero for today xD
today working s usual...
nth special... but the only things is that...
u guess what?! we help a lady found her missing child =]
her mother came to us and asked us whether we saw her child before..
u know lah... the center so big.. and many children... how can we notice wor ><
than we separate and helped her to find lor...
at last vincent and ong found the little child near the entrance there..
wow... luckily la.. the child didnt cry ler... dam geng man =x
then a helper also came to us and bring the child to his mother...
i can saw his mother's eye is wet and the tear are going to drop from her tender eyes...
in this moment.. i can feel the sadness and happiness from his mother in my heart.. duno why...
anyway... luckily that both of them found it =]
"hero" sia.. kaka.. lmao
okay la... off to bed... night~
Thursday, August 27, 2009
dun wan say liao la..
today hor... mrs.bata (bata wife) will come to our shop and have a look at it..
u know what???
she came jus a few minute then chao liao...
haiz... i just had a glance only ler... bcos i got customer to serve...
haou and ah tat(working friend) shake hand with her... diu~~
haiz bo song le la...
suan le ba.. i dun have the luck ><
we whole day prepare all the stuff nicely nicely..
move and shift all the boxes...
than she just came for a while ONLY
no choice lor.. she so busy still need to go other places..
she already 8x but her appearance look quite young and healthy ler...
not bad hor..
okay la... wanna sleep le
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sem 4 result!!!!

this is my result!!!!!
lmao... i cant believe i get this result!!!
but.. i hope i get minimum all B- geh.. but... got C+...
haiz.. nvm.. i try my best edy la =]
quite happi geh kaka...
haiz.. this few days working so tire...
hoho.. our bata got 4 promoter girl~~
kaka... not bad hor..
hmm.. let me see... inside 4 of them got cute cute de... leng leng de... charm charm de... cool cool de...
the business there also not tat good har...
suan le ba.. none my business.. i done my job is the most important =]
anyway take care u guys =] free come find me ba hehe
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
haiz... wanna go klcc again...
work happi happi in mid valley.. i put all my gan qing (love) inside there liao.. kns..
my lady boss de boss call her that he need that 4 person (who interviewed that day)..
walao... she say only can send 2 or 3 person..
haiz.. why dun wan say all dun wanna go ler...
diaoz.. dun wan say liao make me no mood...
agak agak lor.. mana boleh de... wan us go mean go meh...
increase rm60 to rm 80 per day so wat?! we still have refuse de oppurnity lor..
diaoz gao them..!!
Haou and Vincent say wanna go wor...(no choice)
than suan lor.. i go lor.. i dun wan go de.. ><
i go not bcos of that "rm80"
bcos.. of dun wan see my beh kim (lady boss) hard to do ppl lor
see her face also know lor... haiz...
suan le la.. 12 days only.. i think veri fast over de la.. haiz..
tml nid go training again oh.. sian 9....
haiz god bless ba...
pain ler... my father help me rub my leg... ><
left leg kena metal bang (last 3 days).. right kena mirror bang (ytd)
haiz.. sui la... hope my sui also effect the sales in book fair !!!!
need early wake up again.. i meana more early!!!
haiz... though holiday wanna happily over geh.. now come this case haiz...
wahaha today dam happi!
today my mood kinda good XD
although i serve alot of customer.. work as usual... but... realli tire ><
today 96.. got one western foreigner came in and asked me to take the sliper for him... than i climb until upup high away to get that bloody sliper... and u know what?
he gone already when i went outside... dam!!! Mr.Wee rofl... knot tahan him...
ah Wee... which is a old heck and he is dam funny xD, age 36... but he always say "my appearance is old, but my heart is still 18 la"... lolz
he is a good person btw =]..
oh yea.. what is the dam happiest thing..!!??!
lolz.. when it is 9.30pm (going to close shop)
a guy come in to look for leather shoe =]
than i walk to him and speak a little bit about the shoe and stuff..
wow.. i found out that we can talk fluently like a friend =x
than i chat with him about his work and my study while testing the shoe...
he also mention " u r so good lar... in the future u can be a good worker"!!
lmao... i heard this can fly... and more than this...
after work when i sweep the floor... my lady boss told me that just now the customer give me a good comment xD
lolz... kinda happy after heard it =] 1st time a customer giv me a good comment infront my boss
woot.. late le... kinda sleep.. off to bed ~ xD
take care
Saturday, August 15, 2009
first day in work...(mid valley)
although i work bata before but... it is still hard...
that why the elderly said that... "work in office is better than work as cow"
lolz... what a joke...
today... in the morning is still fresh =D!
keep serve sell serve sell..
but after my lunch at 3pm... hoho... tireness and sleepy-ness came to me ><
and again... the customer keep asking to change shoe change that..
waseh... it made me had to climbed up there and find the shoe than had to rush back to them...
but some customer is good lar... will say sry to me... but some will just face you and walk away...
so "wan kat" la... knot tahan...
but... this is business... sure will in and out de...
got 1 AUNTIE told her son dun simply touch than say that UNCLE (me) will scold...
walao.. uncle... what is that... why it happen on me T^T
but nvm.. lately.. a couple walk in and call "leng zai" (me)...
waaahahha.. dam song.. xD (an wei myself)
haha.. haiz.. sian la.. still got 16days to pass... and i also haven eat my dinner... x.x"
anyway good luck u guys =]
Friday, August 14, 2009
tu lan kao!!!
mana tau... he give us a very bad offer for our job in klcc book fair...
let me ask u guys... book fair... is huge right? at the exhibition hall... lots of ppl...
target 500k in 10days... u think break this record?? (dunno)
he want us to work for 2 more extra days for set the stall up and training... total 12days...
anyway... from my hometown (klang) >> kl central>>klcc = rm5.xx...
than went and back cost rm10.xx... * 12 = rm12x.xx
eat ler??!?!?! u think klcc stuff cheap ar??? noon and dinner?!?!?! in our expectation also will cost rm2x like this right?!
okay than rm2x.xx * 12 = rm2xx.xx.. correct right?!
rm2xx.xx + rm12x.xx = 3xx.xx ~4xx.xx (between)
than he offer us rm60 PER DAY....
rm60 * 12 = rm720...
rm720 - rm3xx.xx~rm4xx.xx = rm3xx.xx..
what a joke... see work at a huge fair... only get this amount of sh*t...
i still haven deduct the lost of shoes or minor problems....
what a joke.. bata.. so big company... he told us no negotiate with that offer... it is already close case for that amount... haiz.. sad...
the popular offer them 10days rm9xx... better than bata.. you know waht the boss told us... "dont compare them and us"...
so that for.. we choose back mid valley is the most suitable choice for us xD
haiz... sad la... go there.. wait there for 3hours ++ for that c2p interview.. knot tahan la..
wash away my sleeping time Z..Z"
anyway... tml i start work at mid valley le.. wish me luck ba =]
thrid day... end???
FINALLY!!! exam fin edy!!! dam happy!!!
wakakak... haiz.. today.. business test.. dont no what is that.. jus sit at the hall and just wait the time pass XD
after the exam... dont no why.. my feeling.. is so uncomfortable... scared of failling?? scared of getting a C??
how..? mayb few days later will be okay bah... =]
this few days.. i seem like dislike talking... dont no why.. lazy to talk... if wanna talk also saying a few words...
haiz.. what happening to me!!
anyway.. tml i start my work le... dont miss me ya xD
tml i went for interview about the KLCC book fair... but before that... i work at mid valley's bata...
therefore, if u guys wan stalk me... u can find me easily xD
okay la.. late le.. wana sleep.. night~
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Second day...
finally today is the second day of my test le..
haiz.. sad sad sad...
duno why.. i feel no confident on my test today... (SAD subject)
haiz... dun wan say le lar... study study study... 60% of the part i study didnt came out from de c2p exam...
haiz... i scared cant pass ler...
50% pass.... my coursework get 39.x%...
haiz... still got 11% more ler...
wth... anyway... tomorrow business exam hope can pass la...
if can get a 'B-' also good...
god bless... to my friends who going to exam or studying... good luck and all the best =]
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
first day
kakak.. dun wan say liao la...
depress of what i do... some question i dont no how to do ler...
haiz sad... what i have memorize or study didnt came out... wakao...
but!!! the things i know is more than the things i dont how to do de xD
so... is kinda happy la actually kaka...
haiz.. two more days to go.. gambatte !!!
hehe... anyway.. today seem kinda moody... tak tao apa hal...
tell me what happen??!?!?!
mayb is the exam?? mayb i dun have confident?? mayb.. i started to be a Autism xD
haiz.. anyway im who im...
good luck u guys
Monday, August 10, 2009
final come liao!!...

lolz...wish me luck to get a flying color ><... realli nervous la when the final is near day by day
Sunday, August 9, 2009
happi birthday (cont)
today i and him and ci hong went for a tea to celebrate his birthday...
actually we wanna go to kimgary geh... but late jor... we at sunway keep turn round and round cant even found a parking slot...
so... we had no choice to choose other place...
at last we choose Canai for our celebrate destination...
actually is nothing but only sitting there... chit-chating... joking around...
haha... at least it is not a bored day for him =]
i know that the birthday boy is unhappy with "something"..
but... one word for him.. all the best ya ;]
so.. nothing happen today.. jus at home watching japan drama...
"Mr.Brain"... hey it is not a bad show... kinda enjoy when watching it..
it is about detective.. mystery... funny...
hehe... if free go watch ba =]
Saturday, August 8, 2009
happy birthday =]
haha... today i and my gang (me, Steven, Christerfer, TYT, Ci hong) celebrated with my bro*, Max... which is his birthday
actually his birthday is on 9th of august... but we celebrated earlier hehe...
hmm... nothing special, only had steam boat together at BBT1 =]
while steam boat-ing... we also flirt the "tau ke soh" which is the "lady boss" hehe... =]
quite enjoy... and i wanna tell my dear friend TYT, Tee Yong Tat...
bang... plz la... growth up la... you already 19 years old edy...
haha... he dam funny la... long time didnt saw him... he still didnt change...
his looking... his attitude... lolz... surely lmao when talking to him...
in the whole conversation between him and all of us while steam boat-ing...
we keep laught with mouth open.. haha... surely long time didnt had this enjoyable feeling since graduated...
what a memorable scene =]... after that... we went for second round for a normal tea... than back home...
while thinking of writing the blog above.... i suddenly had a flash that back to my young times...
when we are still young... everything is just simple as we though... didnt think of future or something that ahead us...
no money?? ask for parent... boring??? jus go out and play... homework??? no need care la...
as we growth up... lots of things we needed to face...
no money?? boring?? thick twice about the money before when out for drink tea.. clubbing... shop... homework?? need to struggle in order to get a good cert for works...( for working... need to struggle in order to get food paid)...
while we are young... thinking of growing up... cos can do anything we like... and hate study...
while we growth up... regrets that why we didnt paid attention in our study... why and why and why...
what a joke... as human growth... lots and lots of pressure and things we needa to handle...
that's why... children and youngster are always the best period for them to enjoy... after that... haha... going to face the reality xD!! haha
now... im 19... i had regret lots of things... some how... something that we wanted to retrieve back... is already is a passed... how you manage... how you willing to paid the effort... is also the same...
most of time while lying on the bed... thinking "if i can back to the pass...than i can...than... next...finally..."
if any youngster is watching this blog... pls keep in mind that... dont ever do something that you will always regret in ur life... =] chill...
anyway... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! MAX!!!
wish you had a healthy life...
may ur wishes come true =]
cheer bro xD